Thursday, September 8, 2011

Day 1!

Front Porch!



I don't know if you can tell-but there is one more stroller in the after pictures, but seeing as it was sitting in the drive way I figured it would be okay.  And see that grey car seat?  Yeah, not a kid seat but an actual seat from the car (after picture 1).  That should be gone soon, too.  We took it out of the car when we moved a couch and needed the space and just haven't gotten it back in yet. 
But part of this whole deal isn't just to organize but to get rid of a 'bag' a day right?  So here is what we're getting rid of:

 This is our give away pile.

This is our trash pile.  Okay, so technically the bike wasn't on the porch, but it needs to go too.  Alright, I know someone out there is thinking it isn't a bike, it's a trike-but if you want to be technical then take a look at that rear left wheel.  Oh wait, there isn't one!  Only two wheels.  Haha-so in my own strange humor it's a bike!

And I have a confession-these piles are still on our lawn.  I know, kinda defeats the point right?  But for today I maintain it's okay because a) I can't get the table to the recycle center on my own because I can't put it and the kids in the car at the same time and b) as I increase in my preggo-ness boxes like that are getting harder to lift.  So we may have to wait until tomorrow evening to get it all taken care of-but that's alright.  I'm pleased with myself anyways:)

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