Sunday, May 10, 2009

first hair cut

we knew bub (jack, john, will...honestly, call him whatever-loving-thing you want) was going to need a haircut soon (it was almost in his eyes). i started to get sentimental about it (when i put him down at night i always give him a kiss and brush his hair off his face before i leave). then randomly one day while john was gone and babe was sleeping i just up and decided to cut his hair...this is what followed.

yeah, it's a crayon, what's really weird is when he's got it just hanging
out of his mouth like a stogie.

i used the biggest setting i had and was kinda surprised by how much hair came off.

don't worry, it's unplugged and the actual trimmer part is covered.

so, kinda abrupt. afterwards i was shocked at myself, i texted john with a picture saying something to the effect of 'i destroyed my baby' b/c he seemed so different to me (you're probably thinking i'm crazy since i'm sure you didn't see much change). well, john couldn't tell what i was talking about and found it to be rather uneventful...oh well.


The Wilsons said...

I can see a total difference! He looks DARLING, of course, but I have been upset by such sudden changes on Evan's head before... :O) I send my empathies and also my congrats on a very handsome, successful (if abrupt) haircut!

Oh--and I love your previous post, cute and fun...

Joyelle said...

lolol that is a funny story!!! :) i SO know how you felt tho- i reluctantly gave into bran and let him buzz maddux way back when and i just felt instantly ILL at the sight of it b/c it just was NOT him!! lol now bran jokes about that everytime maddux needs a cut and i just say I WILL DO IT!!! ha! bub's such a cutie!