In our church we have this semiannual meeting called Stake Conference. Our church is made up of wards, which are led by lay bishops that have similar duties to a pastor, only they don't get paid for their work. These wards are grouped into stakes, which are led by stake presidents. Twice per year, the members of our stake gather for a special meeting at which we are taught in a large group setting.
Since I was called as a financial clerk, which means I get to deal with the Lord's finances, I am considered part of the leadership in my church. No, I don't think I'm special. Anyways, I get to go to an extra special part of Stake Conference called a leadership meeting. I've never been to one before. Since our stake is kinda splitting (we're losing 5 student wards to create the only young single adult stake outside of Utah and Idaho, which will also have a ward in Roanoke), today's meeting is a big deal. My wife is rather upset that we're going to lose more men to other church organizations, as the new stake will need leadership, but I am rather unemotional about the prospect. I figure if the Lord wants us to run His affairs, then He gets us.
My only disappointment with the meeting is that I have a one-month-old (see below) that I'll leave with my good wife, along with three other kids. I hate to do that when there is no tangible reward. I always like to help her when I can, and in this case, I'll be trading physical help for spiritual. I guess the good news is that my family will still be blessed, and let's be honest: who doesn't want that?
2 years ago