So I've felt the need to move for a few months, now. My wife, not so much. Still, she's been migrating to my point of view. Change, however, is a problem for my wife. She recognizes that the only constant in life is change (a view that I actually don't think is true; is not the love of God constant? or at least constantly increasing?), but doesn't like major life changes. (Don't tell her that the rate at which we are having children constitutes a major life change every few months.) At a recent Stake Conference (a gathering of local church congregations), she finally got the revelation that I'd been getting for months.
You see, we don't make major changes in life until we both get the revelation that we should. It's a rule of ours that helps to avoid conflict between us.
At that Stake Conference, she got it. She cried. (Again, she hates change.) But she faced the future resolutely. She's a champ.
So where are we moving? We have no clue.
You see, the where is as important as the when (of which we also have no definite clue, though we're leaning to "before Thanksgiving," for reasons listed below). Both are just a shade under the fact that we're actually going to move.
So since it wasn't revealed where or when we're moving, we're using Lincoln, Nebraska as our default. Anika's mom and dad live there, and they offered about once a week since I graduated from Liberty in June to have us move there. So our default is to move in with her folks. I'm still secretly hoping for a job to pop up between now and then, but that's partially because I have this male need to support my family.
The reasons for the placement of Lincoln for our family are many, but essentially boil down to three. (1) I want to live closer to family, and Lincoln is both closer to my wife's family and my California family. (2) We plan on moving West for my career. This is related to #1, but is important enough to be separate. I'm in the process of applying for licensure to teach in Nebraska, Kansas, and Oklahoma, but I'm also open to the idea of teaching basically anywhere I can support a family on a teacher's salary. I figure I would have had a job if I lived in Arizona, and it would have been at one of the top schools on my list of desirable work locations. So the pure location of Nebraska (middle of the country) makes it desirable, assuming we don't get a job in the meantime. (3) We're fans of family-friendly environments. I don't mean to be offensive, but Buena Vista is not entirely family-friendly. The LDS community here is great, for the most part. That said, they're the exception to the norm. In Lincoln, the LDS community is rather small, but the people seem to be built for families, for the most part.
So when will we move? Again, we're looking at before Thanksgiving, since we're looking at moving towards Anika's family. The earliest we can move is early November (barring a speedy move to a job, which would be just me, most likely). I'm shooting for that.
So that's the news on our front.
Anyone have any boxes that we could use?
2 years ago
Wow! Best wishes. I am more like Anika--change and I don't always see eye-to-eye. Thankfully I've got Duane to help me make it through. :)
And we have boxes for you, though you'll have to come to UT to get them. Sadly, I'm thinking this will not be the most economical of your options...
Wow! Good luck to you all on this next adventure! I'm already a little homesick for you for BV, much as it sounds like you feel the need to leave. :-)
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